Monday, April 11, 2022

Reflect on Next Steps

The mission statement for the final class project is as follows:

During Spring 2022, students in AMST 380: Community in America continued work on the A Place Called Poppleton project. Students updated the Save Our Block zine and the Poppleton Plan for community-led development. We worked directly with Poppleton residents to document, analyze, preserve, and raise awareness about the stories of the Poppleton neighborhood and the movements to preserve a historic block and reopen an important recreation center.

My part in this project will include attending the 12 Apr 2022 CHAP hearing (tomorrow) to help add a brief summary to the zine, as well as the mayor's letter. I will also work with my group, individually and collectively, to revise the zine and the Poppleton Plan for clarity and concision. If we get the opportunity to do interviews as well, I will participate in that process to the extent that seems appropriate in consideration of my fellow group members preferences. As the only graduate student in my group, I see my role as facilitating the other students' interests in the project while also trying to keep focus on what Prof. King has asked us to do and ensuring the highest quality of the work in the end.

[Image from Fall 2021 class whose work we continue]

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