Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Event & Project Plans

For the May 21st Save Our Block party, I plan to bring 5-6 family members with me. My parents will be visiting from California and haven't seen the films yet. My younger son (age 10) will be thrilled to get to play with the other kids himself. My older son (age 20) will probably be willing to supervise the kids, especially if I pay him -- but he likes kids anyway and cares about this campaign. I couldn't ask him about it before posting tonight, though, as he went to bed early. We'll invite his girlfriend too if she is home from college by then.

Mandatory photo with husband, kids, older son's girlfriend, Dec 2021

I will share the event promotions, once they are available, through the GWST social media account.

The Save Our Block Twitter account

On the day itself, my husband and I will help wherever we can. I could help with interviews. We could also bring some lawn games if that would be helpful. We could bring some food too -- maybe some cookies as an easy dessert -- if needed. I would like to be able to contribute in that way since I'll be adding half a dozen mouths to feed.

I have also already contributed to this event as leader of the zine revision group project.

This week, I need to shift that group to revising the Poppleton Plan pamphlet. I will be out of town and unavailable from Thursday evening through Monday (28 Apr - 2 May), though, and I won't be able to attend class the following Thursday (5 May) due to one of my children's health care appointments, so that will give others in the group the opportunity to step up more this time.

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